Ultrasonic Thickness Testing (UTT) is a method of performing non-destructive measurement (gauging) of the local thickness of a solid element based on the time taken by the ultrasound wave to return to the surface.
Conventional RT is a nondestructive examination (NDE) method that uses X-rays and gamma rays for detecting internal imperfections, measuring wall thickness, and detecting corrosion.
Perform Small Controlled Area Radiography (SCAR) radiographic inspections in close proximity to other trades, nucleonic process control equipment, and critical safety systems, such as visual flame detectors, to minimize the impact of RT on continuing operations or outage schedules. SCARPro, can obtain up to 98% reduction in exclusion zones compared to conventional radiography techniques.
Digital radiography is an advanced technology based on digital detector systems in which the x-ray image is displayed directly on a computer screen without the need for developing chemicals or intermediate scanning.The incident x-ray radiation is converted into an equivalent electric charge and then to a digital image through a detector sensor. Compared to other imaging devices flat panel detector provides high quality digital images with better signal to noise ratio and improved dynamic range, which in turn provides high sensitivity for radiographic application.
Shear-Wave Ultrasonic Testing, also known as an "angle-beam inspection," is a UT technique that uses a probing ultrasonic transducer with a plastic wedge to test component strength. The probe conducts an ultrasonic beam at an angle into the test area, moving move back and forth as it detects any flaws based on the refraction of the beam. From there, our highly skilled technicians evaluate the gathered information.
Various methods of NDT are used for the measurement of coating thickness – paint thickness, plating thickness, anodizing etc.
Magnetic particle inspection is used to locate surface breaking defects and is used on ferrous materials to look for cracks, laps, seams, voids, pits, and other surface defects or slightly subsurface defects. It can be performed in-house or in the field.
Penetrant inspection is used to locate surface breaking defects and is used on materials such as metals, composites, and ceramics, identifying surface anomalies such as cracks, seams, blow holes, laps, external bursts, and welding defects. It can be performed in-house or in the field.
Ferrite testing, also referred to as a ferrite scope test, is a rapid non-destructive inspection method used to measure the amount of delta ferrite on austenitic stainless steel and duplex stainless steel materials.
Leak Detection covers a wide range of techniques used to detect the leakage of fluids from the test part. In most cases, fluids are pressurized on one side of the test part.
Visual inspection is the basis for all NDT inspection programs. commonly used NDT method across all industries. It allows for a feasible and fast control of quality at every step of the fabrication or maintenance process. Visual Testing (VT) is used to detect visible flaws such as deformation, welding defects and corrosion. Many tools can be used during the inspection such as a ruler, gauges, cameras, etc.
Holiday test or a Continuity test is one of the non destructive test method applied on protective coatings to detect unacceptable discontinuities such as pinholes and voids. The test involves checking of an electric circuit to see if current flows to complete the electrical circuit.
At Sogec, we offer a comprehensive suite of conventional Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) services that are designed to meet the most stringent industry standards. With our extensive expertise and cutting-edge technologies, we deliver top-notch services that minimize risk and maximize value for our clients.
Tired of the high costs and unreliable results associated with traditional NDT methods? Look no further than Sogec. Our innovative approach combines cost-effectiveness, precision, and unparalleled customer satisfaction, making us the go-to choice for industry leaders across the region.
Entrust your critical assets to the experts at Sogec. Our team of highly trained professionals utilizes the latest technologies and techniques to provide you with actionable insights, empowering you to make informed decisions that protect your investments and ensure the long-term integrity of your operations.